Service & Support

Embraco offers digital tools and services focused on providing support for refrigeration professionals on their daily routine.

The app created by Embraco helps refrigeration professionals on their daily routine.

The Toolbox App is to make the refrigeration professionals work easier. It has 7 features to facilitate the day to day, such as a search tool for the nearest distributor, product catalog, cross-reference product guide, unit converter, refrigerant ruler, tool to identify causes of the main cooling system problems.

Available in all countries and in more than 10 languages You can find it on the virtual store AppStore (iOS) and Play Store (Android).


Toolbox Functionalities

Cross Reference

Find the compatible compressor model.

Distributor Locator

The nearest Embraco Reseller with address, website and phone number.

Product Catalog

Compressors and condensing units datasheet developed by Embraco.

Unit Converter

A solution to convert units in a very easy way.


Easy to identify and solve problems.

Refrigerant Slider

Provides the characteristics of every refrigerant fluid, such as pressure and temperature.

Refrigeration Club

Exclusive content for refrigeration professionals in a global channel. Keep updated!

Product Selector Software

Choose the best solution for your cooling systems at Embraco's official portfolio platform.

Embraco Product Selector Software is the official portfolio platform where it is possible to choose the most appropriate solution for different refrigeration systems. By entering specific characteristics, such as cooling capacity, efficiency, refrigerant, voltage, and other criteria, the user is able to search for the solution that best fits the intended application parameters. Choose the best solution for your system!

Go to Product Selector

Smart Drop-In

The Smart Drop-In for Light Commercial Variable Speed compressors is a control logic software designed to adjust the speed in real life situations, such as defrost (hot gas or heater), extensive door opening and fast temperature recovery, assuring energy optimization for the equipment. Embraco customers are able to optimize the control parameters through an intuitive and easy to use solution and flexibilize the inventory recording locally the parameters for mass production. Contact your technical support focal point for more information.

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Technical Documentation

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